Seasonal Campsite

Published by Sam on

a camper in a backyard
(Not the seasonal site)

Well, it seems like camping season isn’t going to be as exciting as I had hoped, thanks COVID-19. Campgrounds are still closed for recreational camping. Construction around our house continues. There are a lot of roadblocks to have another camping season full of traveling to new places.

All isn’t lost. Jamey’s parents had been on a waiting list for a campsite at Long Lake RV Park in Detroit Lakes for a couple of years. They made it to the front of the line this year, and weren’t ready to buy an RV. So, we’re taking the site for this season.

Detroit Lakes is a fun town. It’s close to Jamey’s family, so hopefully it will give him a chance to see them from a safe, social distance. Thanks for the backup plan, family. And here’s looking forward to a fun season of having a seasonal site. Maybe we’ll make some new friends! Maybe we’ll decide we like being still (I doubt it, my wanderlust is strong).

We’ve decided to keep a couple of trips we already planned, so we aren’t stationary all summer. But most trips are canceled.

We took the trailer to our new site and got set up for the first time. We were looking forward to doing a couple of fun things, having a change of scenery. And then we woke up Saturday morning and it was snowing and cold. So, since we can’t wander around a mall, or eat at a restaurant, or kill time inside a brewery, we decided to go home.

WTF, Mother Nature?

By the time we return for Memorial Day week, we should have better weather for take-out beer and food.


Just your average gal, drinking craft beer, dressing up the doggos, and cracking wise at every opportunity.