Moving On, Soon

Published by Sam on

Having the trailer in a single spot has been so nice. I love having the ability to get away on my own without the work of hookup, towing, set up and tear down. During a time when I’m at home all the time, the change of scenery is so welcome. But I’ve grown tired of Detroit Lakes.

Dog in front of sign

Salty language ahead, move along if you’re going to be offended.

Leash your dogs, people

Unless you don’t want to, I guess.

I’m SO tired of off-leash dogs running at us. I’m sick off the fact that there is one, primary off-leash aggressor. I’ve witnessed that dog go after three separate dogs.

Other dogs have come running toward us too. To some extent, I get it. These dogs are friendly and generally have good recall, so having them off-leash keeps them from getting tangled around a tree or picnic table. But it just takes a second of not paying attention for a fight to happen. My dogs (like lots of dogs!) get reactive when strange dogs run at them. I have to drag my 14 year old, arthritic old guys away and it’s very hard on his hips and knees. So instead I walk the dogs out of the campground to avoid running across this scenario. I should be able to walk the campground, around the lake, in peace, but every single time I detour from the safe path, we encounter an off-leash dog.


There is still a pandemic killing people

A global pandemic, during a historically contentious election year is fucking exhausting. Everything is political, even life and death.

I’m tired of some people and businesses not taking the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rules around it, seriously. The restaurant in the Holiday Inn turned into a nightclub. A mix of karaoke and incredibly loud music, so everyone has to shout to be heard. No social distancing whatsoever, with twenty-something dude bro’s crowding our table and shouting. Old guys wearing MAGA hats and shouting about “fucking illegals” and something about Black Lives Matter are terrorists.

I also got to witness an argument among strangers on the beach. When a couple paddleboarded, with their pug on the board, into the swimming area, a woman told them “no dogs and paddleboards or kayaks allowed” there. Instead of just moving back out of the swimming area, a shouting match ensued, with the opening volley: “OH I BET IT HAS CORONA TOO!” Classy. Logical. Smart.

Everything is political

I’m tired of the politics. I’m sick of the MAGA hats and Trump flags. I’m tired of the Trump chants across boats. I would be sick of the Biden signs too if there were any. A campground is meant to be a vacation. I just want to escape the insanity of this reality TV, fear mongering, historically corrupt, incompetent President.

Remember when we could have different ideas about the best way to manage an economy, or how much government rules we needed, and still like each other? Good times.

There is so much anger and frustration in the world today, it feels everyone is about to boil over. We don’t just disagree anymore, we hate each other. And a certain POTUS encourages that when he should try and find ways to unite us. Now more than ever.

Too much driving

I’m tired of driving three plus hours to get here. I might do a seasonal site again, with the option of taking a few good trips, if the site was under two hours. We knew what we were getting into and I’m thankful we’ve had this option. But I look forward to resuming normal weekend getaways in lots of new places.

We’ll be back once more for a beerfest and then we’re out. We’re heading to Okoboji for our 10th Anniversary and then to Duluth for a Labor Day getaway. I can’t wait to get out of here.

Looking forward – 2021 and beyond

I’m sure we’ll return, the town is cute, the lakes are great. But after the pandemic and election ends. When we can all go back to having more in common than divides us. I pray whatever the outcome of the election this fall, we can start to move back to some degree of unity, and not closer to a civil war.

Oh, and PS:

Black Lives Matter. Women’s rights are human rights. Vote by mail is safe. And Trump is the worst.


Just your average gal, drinking craft beer, dressing up the doggos, and cracking wise at every opportunity.

1 Comment

Carol · August 4, 2020 at 2:35 pm

Thank you Sam. Your words, especially your closing statement, must be said again and again, until all understand this horrific culture we are in the midst of. We have enjoyed your being nearby. But we totally understand the need to move on

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